Frame It- Painting A Picture Investors Want To See Mar20

Posted by & filed under Hedge Fund Marketing.

Alternatives managers will face the spring season with a renewed enthusiasm for the themes that underpin all their sales efforts: diversify, achieve non correlation to other asset classes, and reduce portfolio risk overall while adding value. However, focusing on generalities and the same old, same old sales pitches will not likely yield the best results. It seems a far better plan to zero in on investor’s fears, concerns, and topics of interest in an effort to win them over

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What Aren’t They Saying- Unspoken Investor Feedback Jan28

Posted by & filed under Hedge Fund Investing, Hedge Fund Marketing.

Pitching to investors can be an unnerving process even for sales professionals. No one wants to be in the position of needing someone to buy in, literally, to what they are selling, in order to stay alive in business. Yet for most fund managers, this is exactly what is required of the pitching effort: no convincing, no capital, and soon, no fund. Regardless of investment specifics, potential pitch mishaps exist which cause investors to lose interest and focus. Knowing the issues that trigger investor ennui or ultimately turn off an individual and taking a proactive approach to combating them can help managers position their pitch more favorably

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