Alternatives managers will face the spring season with a renewed enthusiasm for the themes that underpin all their sales efforts: diversify, achieve non correlation to other asset classes, and reduce portfolio risk overall while adding value. However, focusing on generalities and the same old, same old sales pitches will not likely yield the best results. It seems a far better plan to zero in on investor’s fears, concerns, and topics of interest in an effort to win them over

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Some have asserted that monkeys with typewriters, given enough time, could replicate Shakespeare. Don’t take the wager. While other financial denizens sarcastically note that given enough time there will be a few successes out of all the active money managers, building on the concept that even a blind pig will occasionally find a peanut. Alternatively, our goal in the white paper is to more reliably accelerate an investor’s search for sound and safe hedge fund and niche investments

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