To Meet or Not to Meet, That is the Question Apr19

Posted by & filed under Hedge Fund Marketing.

We are well underway in 2022, and the restrictions that Covid had placed on social gatherings continue to recede, but what does that mean for today’s marketing plans? Two years of forced shutdowns and a massive shift to online tactics have created an uneasy marriage between the desire to get back in front of clients and prospects, and the convenience, cost savings, and ease of continuing to focus on outreach through websites, videos, social media, and the like

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Intimate Distancing is the Name of the Game for 2022 Jan20

Posted by & filed under Hedge Fund Marketing.

The New Year has opened with renewed spikes of Covid’s latest variant strains keeping tensions high and cautionary distancing behaviors in force across the globe. For goodness sakes, even the tennis world has reacted to the pressure by literally cancelling the world #1 player’s visa days before the first major, the Australian Open, began this week, creating a void at the top of the seeded draw that speaks volumes about the level of concern still existing around the pandemic

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