Intimate Distancing is the Name of the Game for 2022 Jan20

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The New Year has opened with renewed spikes of Covid’s latest variant strains keeping tensions high and cautionary distancing behaviors in force across the globe. For goodness sakes, even the tennis world has reacted to the pressure by literally cancelling the world #1 player’s visa days before the first major, the Australian Open, began this week, creating a void at the top of the seeded draw that speaks volumes about the level of concern still existing around the pandemic

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What We Can Learn From The Supply Chain Disruption Oct19

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We all know the saying ‘No chain is stronger than its weakest link.’ This has never been more evident on a global scale than the present day supply chain woes plaguing worldwide distribution and availability of many consumer products. With the holiday season bearing down on us, problems are only expected to get worse with heightened demand stressing an already broken process

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Getting Over The Hump: The Plateau Effect In Sales Sep24

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At some point in their career, every sales and marketing professional hits a road block to getting ahead, whether it’s in performance, results, career path, or a combination of all of these. The Plateau Effect is the phrase that describes this impasse, when the forward progress that has been working well slows or stalls and seems likely not to do as well in the future

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