Substance Over Form Sep17

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I’d like to offer a cautionary message for the investment conversations also heating up in this fall of 2018, and suggest that ‘substance over form’ is a far better approach to take with investors. When it comes to parting people and their money, they tend to care a whole lot more about what you will do with their investment than what you might say

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The Pitch Book: Dead Or Alive? Aug21

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It used to be that if you asked most financial professionals what the single most important piece of sales collateral was, the answer would be the pitch book, of course. In the current era of tweets, email blasts, podcasts, and other media deliverables, has the old-fashioned deck of slides fallen by the wayside? I recently asked a number of financial colleagues from both the buy and sell sides to weigh in on this question. Their replies shed some interesting light on the topic

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Believe Your Eyes! Jul12

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It’s simple human nature to believe more of what you see than what you hear. The human brain is wired to process visual information more easily than contextual words. According to a June 15 Washington Post article, ‘Charts Change Hearts And Minds Better Than Words Do,’ charts are a more effective visual than tables of text. Data, particularly complex or vast amounts of data, which is arranged in a graph or other summary picture, is better understood when translated into an optic

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Hedge Fund Hegemony And How To Handle It Jun19

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Hegemony, holding a slightly sinister meaning in most contexts, defines an asymmetrical power relationship, in which there is social, cultural, ideological, or economic influence exerted by one group over others. Where better to see hegemony in practice than in the world of hedge funds, when the behemoth bests the niche fund, in terms of investor attention, assets gathered, and institutional scrutiny

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Manager Selection Through a ‘Welkian’ Lens May15

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The Lawrence Welk Show spanned the post-war boom of the 55s through the psychedelic 60s, the protest-laden 70s, and into the Reagan-era 80s before moving into syndication. Why was the show so successful long-term? What can fund managers learn from Lawrence Welk in getting their businesses to be as successful? Here are five lessons to be learned from the Welkian way

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